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Robin de Wouters - Editor, UNRIC Brussels
Women represent more or less half the world population… And yet, they have constantly been oppressed, discriminated, segregated, considered of less importance, even worse, tortured, lynched, killed, and forgotten. But the situation is gradually changing.
So the choice of topic was obvious. Women and men have, or should have without a doubt, exactly the same rights. It’s about time every single human being acknowledged it.
On the 8th of March, the United Nations celebrated the 100th anniversary of the International Women’s Day. On this occasion, UNRIC, the UN office behind this magazine and for which I work, in partnership with the recently created UN organization UN Women, launched an ad competition encouraging citizens across Europe to participate by sending an ad that says No to Violence Against Women (www.create4theun.eu). This competition will run until May 31st.
After all, “To promote gender equality and empower women” is the third out of eight Millennium Development Goals.
For these reasons, the twelfth edition of Internal Voices is entirely devoted to women in general, their empowerment, their rights, and unfortunately, the violation of their rights throughout developed and developing countries.
The main topic was clearly defined, yet we embrace a wide range of subjects. The magazine spans from the situation of women in Angola to the use of social media in empowering them.
I strongly believe Internal Voices to be a magazine worth working for and thus worth reading. Before I had even set foot at UNRIC in January, I was told one of my tasks would be to edit a magazine written by and for interns of the United Nations around the world. The fact that there are already twelve editions proves that it is a success and widely read, therefore adding the thrill (and stress) of working for something that is already well in motion.
Still, everything clicked; all the steps taken, from identifying authors to the final layout, felt normal and logical. Obviously, I could not have done it all by myself, which is why I am very grateful for the work and help that was provided by the members of the editorial team, my fellow interns and, of course, the authors themselves, without whom there wouldn’t be a magazine.
I invite you to comment on any of the articles of this edition or any previous ones on our blog at
I sincerely hope you will have as much pleasure reading this magazine as I have had while editing it.
5 comment(s) to... “Editorial 12th Edition”
this magazine is really good!!!
great job!
thank you all! I hope you enjoyed our magazine.
The 13th edition is currently in making. It will focus on the role of the UN in the field.
It will be available starting 15th of May.
thank you again for following us!
Hi, I am intern in WFP Paris and I am writting an article on how WFP work in Ali Addeh refugee Camp (Djibouti). How can I do to get in contact with the person in charge of the publications?
Can you kindly send me an email to:
Thanks a lot !
I just sent you an e-mail answering your question about the magazine.
Don't hesitate to contact us should there be anything else.
The following address is that of the magazine, which passes from editor to editor: internalvoices@unric.org
Thank you for your interest and motivation.
Have a nice day,
Robin de Wouters
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